Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Results are in

I was finally able to get my hands on the results of my liver biopsy and looks like as of right now there are no Alpha-1 granules in my liver. This is good, of course I have no idea if there could still be granules elsewhere and just not in the biopsy site, or if they could still appear later. Hopefully these questions will be answered when I see Dr. Z in Oct. I did cancel the appt. with that bitch of an NP and am sure they won't call to see why or tell me my results. There were also no signs of fibrosis or cirrhosis--more good news. Not so great news is that I have a mild fatty liver, the left lobe of the liver is enlarged, and the right lobe is "particularly prominent." The problem is that usually fatty liver is associated with obesity/being overweight, diabetes, and/or alcoholism--a.k.a. things you can change and get better. I am nowhere near being overweight, I don't have diabetes, and I don't drink with the exception of a beer or glass of wine ever so often (even more seldom these days). My diet is good, I eat lots of veggies and fruits because I love them, chicken, meat, fish are typical, I avoid bad stuff as much as possible though I do indulge here and there with a piece or two of chocolate (sometimes every night...ack! Ryan bought me 2 lbs. of Leonidas damnit!), and I'd love to lose 10 lbs. but overall my nutrition intake is fine. And believe me, if I thought it needed tweaking I would both admit it and change it. So what's causing the fatty liver? That's the million dollar question right now. The second million dollar question is, "Does it matter?" I don't know if that's a problem. I'm guessing that I'll have to be monitored to ensure that this doesn't advance to fibrosis and then cirrhosis as it very easily can. One of the gals on my Alpha-1 list started off with a fatty liver (with no apparent reason for it, like me), then it slowly progressed until she ended up having a transplant. Unfortunately she hadn't had a liver biopsy until the very end so no way to know if she had the Alpha-1 granules when she was at the fatty liver stage or not. In the end, the important part is that at last check the blood levels were normalizing and we just have to hope they stay that way. I am still bloated and having pain from the enlarged liver but such is life. I can live with it so long as things aren't bad.

I saw Dr. A (ortho) on Mon. for another follow-up appt. Wouldn't you know it, my SI joints have been behaving themselves, only causing the dull ache like usual, until this past weekend when the left side started giving me shooting pains in the area when I bent over. Then I guess I started favoring that side so the right one got out of whack and it too decided to bitch. So by Mon. I was ready to try the cortisone injections despite being scared of something going wrong like the liver biopsy and being in a ton of pain. Plus, after that bone biopsy I'm a little gun shy with sticking needles into that area. Nevertheless, I'm game for doing the injections and possibly having pain relief somewhere. What I didn't know was that the procedure is done with xray guidance and would have to be scheduled. My kids had come with me on Mon. as I had no one to watch them, so they were relieved to learn they wouldn't have to be anywhere near me when they shoved needles into my butt. :o) I would've made them leave the room, of course, however the mere thought gave them the heebie jeebies. Dr. A also refilled the Percocet so if the cortisone doesn't work I'll at least have something. I'm still keeping the dosage at a half to a whole a day unless the pain is really unbearable and then sometimes I hit two a day, but that's also still rare. Thankfully.

Today I noticed I was having some breathing difficulties which may have been due to the hot weather. It had been cool for awhile (I loved it...was almost like Fall!) and then the sun came back and brought the heat with it. Just another reminder that I need to call Dr. A.B. up at OHSU for a pulmonology work-up. I'm way too good at procrastination. Well that and we're so slammed with weddings from here on out that I keep telling myself it would be too difficult to make the trek up to Portland. Excuses, excuses.

Aciphex is continuing to do it's job at keeping the reflux at bay. I've been having horrible nausea and even a slight amount of breakthrough heartburn which I am attributing to my PMS. I had the worst bout of nausea the other day before we had to go decorate that I thought for sure I'd be spending most of the time hogging a stall at the venue. At that point I was sure I was getting the flu or something. I couldn't even drink water without wanting to hurl. Time passed and slowly it went away. Then my boobs started hurting and my face broke out. Plus I hit a wall fatigue-wise again and started sleeping roughly 10 hrs. and feeling as if it had only been 4. And maybe I got a little moody too. Maybe. At least it wasn't the flu.

I'm writing this next portion down to remind myself to call and bitch at Dr. B's office and find out what I'm supposed to do medicine-wise as no one has returned my calls. I'd really like to get the cortisone and then assuming it works, start weaning off of the Percocet. However, I have to get the joint/muscle pain under control first and I can't until they can get me something that works.
That's it for now, I suppose. Taking it day by day and enjoying the good ones.


Beth said...

Hey Laura, I'm glad to hear that you were able to get some results adn find that there are no Alpha-1 granules, fibrosis or cirrhosis!! I know you've got a long road ahead of trying to solve the mystery of the fatty liver, but I am praying that you find a Dr that takes you seriously and tries really hard to figure out what is going on.

Give nurse B a final call, bitch her out and say kiss my ass!!!

Let me know when you're up in the Portland area, maybe I can swing a day trip! Are you guys still planning on moving up there? What's the scoop w/ that?

~Laura~ said...

Hey chica! Yep, we're still hoping to move up to Portland sometime in the next couple of months or so. I will definitely let you know so that we can meet up and do some LYS/retail therapy! We both need it for sure!