Sort of anyways. The pain has gotten so much better. Last night I was able to take away the small pillow I had to tuck underneath my liver/side and actually sleep. I can't wait to get rid of the second pillow under "my" pillow. Not a big pillow fan. I also drove some today and only had a slight twinge when I turned around to look behind me as I was backing out of a parking space. I've had to continue taking the Percocet as my legs have been killing me again. Writing a mental not to myself to actually call my rheumy tomorrow and let them know that I stopped the Sulfasalazine and haven't been able to start it back up again. Let's see if I remember.
The reflux has been horrible. Today I got some nasty pain right under my breastbone that scared the shit out of me. Lasted for about 20 mins. or so and finally went away after I laid down for a bit. I had taken my second half of a Percocet for the day prior to it so maybe it was a reflux issue...or maybe it was something else. Either way the pain level went up to at least an 8--it was that bad. I was very close to making Ryan take me to the ER. Stuff like that annoys me as I really have no idea what is "serious" and should be checked out right away and what is typical weird pains that I'm going to get with everything that is going on. I will mention it to the GI people tomorrow yet I expect they will blow it off. Or maybe I'll be proven wrong.
Hey guess what? I'm STILL exhausted! :o) Surprised? Didn't think so. Having that biopsy took a lot out of me. So much so that I had to cancel a BBQ I was really looking forward to and have scheduled and rescheduled more times than I care to admit. I really suck as a friend these days. While I want more than anything to hang out, eat good food, and have fun I just can't. The mere thought of doing anything more than lying around makes me that much more tired...and depressed. Two of my good friends haven't even called to see how my biopsy went, or how I've been, or even just to chat, which makes me sad. The one friend who I keep canceling on called on Fri. and it meant so much to me. She "gets" what I'm going through as she has health issues too. And even though I've been so flaky she still took time out of her busy day and away from her family to let me knows she cares. A true friend means a lot to a person who is sick, let me tell ya. It's hard having an illness that seemingly robs you of yourself. You start to feel as if you're a burden to your family and as if no one "gets it." Friends tend to disappear because they get sick of hearing the same shit from you even though they ask how you're doing. And really, who could blame them? No one wants to hang out with someone who has no energy to do a lot, or who is always in pain. I try to be upbeat and hide a lot of what is inside--which is very hard for me as I'm an open person--yet I don't want to be the Debby Downer of my friends either. It's tough when your life is consumed by pain and illness to have much else to talk about. Especially when you no longer are truly living, you're just being.
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