Thursday, June 28, 2007

And we wait

I saw Dr. A for my bone stuff on Monday and we agreed that getting my liver issues under control first and THEN dealing w/the pain from my SI Joints was the best course of action. Although it's not fun having pain in that area in addition to everything else, I'd rather focus on one thing at a time.

After that visit I headed over to Dr. B's office to pick up my liver CT report. Imagine my surprise when he came out and called me back into a little room. He said that he wanted me to see my GP a.s.a.p. and that my liver had been enlarged at my last CT (in '06). This was news to me! So I headed over to St. Charles to pick up my lab reports from that visit to the ER last year and low and behold my liver enzymes were elevated then too. I remembered the doc at the ER mentioning this and acting like it was odd to him. I chalked the levels being up to my gall bladder behaving badly. I guess that wasn't the case. Another new development is that I have a small cyst in my liver that was there last year too. Go figure.

The next day I saw my GP, Dr. R. There is conflicting reports as to whether or not my liver has actually been enlarged for over a year, or if Dr. B misread the report. Part of me wouldn't be surprised if the radiologist that read the CT back in March of 2006 thought, "Eh, it's borderline enlarged but not enough to mention it," (something Dr. R said was possible) as there was no mention of the cyst in my report either. And according to the radiologist that read this latest CT, it's been there since last year. Dr. R also theorized that Dr. B whipped out his trusty measuring tape and actually measured my liver to compare it himself. I'll let you pick because at this point I haven't a clue. Dr. R sent a note over to the GI dept. at BMC and hoped I would be seen within a week. We discussed the Alpha-1 issue and she gladly ordered the Phenotype test for me. I waited a bit, got poked, and left.

On Wed., Dr. R's nurse called to let me know that the soonest the GI folks could get me in wouldn't be until July 12th. I'm apparently also on the "cancellation list" which I know doesn't mean shit because no one's gonna cancel their appointment unless they're dying. And even then I bet they show up. Today I got the paperwork for my GI appt. and wouldn't you know it...I got the doctor that I was told, "Stay away from! She's an idiot!" Fabulous! I'm torn...keep the appt. and just give her a shot, or try to switch it now.

The waiting sucks though. The lab tech seemed to think I'd get the results back by the end of this week. I'm not betting on that.

As a side note, Dr. B wanted me to stay on the Gabapentin but I haven't gotten back on it yet. I have had so much stuff to do that I didn't want to chance dealing w/diarrhea again. Could've been the CT contrast...or the Gabapentin...or both. I'll wait to find out.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ode to my liver

Thursday (the 21st), I woke up and took the first of three syringes filled with contrast for my CT scan. I can't say it was pleasant but it wasn't the most awful thing I've drank, either. The little side effect of diarrhea was unfortunately one of the ones I had. Sweet.

I finished my last one around 12:20 p.m. and headed out for the test. I met my husband at BMC and he went in w/me for a bit. They started the IV, put me into the scanner, took a pic, pulled me out and injected the contrast. The gal warned me I would get very hot very fast. What they didn't tell me was that it usually starts in your crotch. When it felt like my hooha was on fire I thought, "That's interesting," and just relaxed and waited for the heat to rush over me. Suddenly my heart started racing and it felt like there was a huge weight on my chest. I didn't panic--thought maybe it was normal side effects--but when the recorded message told me to "take a breath" I had a very tough time doing so. Nevertheless, I was determined to finish the scan. One of the techs came back in to check on me and I told her about my heart racing. She said it was normal. I then told her about the weight on my chest. At first she tried to say it was normal as a panic attack, yet I knew better. After living w/panic attacks and anxiety for a year and overcoming them, I could definitely tell the difference. For one, I wasn't scared--hadn't been scared at all--and even though panic attacks do make you feel like you are dying, my chest NEVER felt as if someone was sitting on it. Needless to say, the tech got the doctor and a flurry of activity began. I had the pulse ox on me, the doc was taking my heart rate, and there were several people watching and waiting. Throughout it all I remained calm despite being a tad nervous. Eventually the weight lifted and I told them I definitely wanted to finish, so they slid me back in and took the last image.

Afterwards I had to stay for about 20 mins. to be sure I was okay. The more time passed, the better I felt. The doctor did say I had a moderate reaction to the contrast yet felt it would be okay for me to have it again in the future. Can't say that I agree w/him on that one. While I did my best to stay calm it was not fun and not something I want to experience again. Especially knowing that allergic reactions usually get worse the more you are exposed to the thing that caused the reaction in the first place.

Dr. B's PA called that morning as well and prescribed me Gabapentin (Neurontin) to try. No pain meds, though. I was put on 100 mgs. a day for one week w/instructions to increase the dosage by 100 mgs. every week until I hit 900 mgs. At first that seemed fine until I started thinking that it would be probably 6-9 wks. before I noticed any improvement in pain. That sucked. DH picked it up for me that night and I took my first one before bed, as per the instructions, and woke up the next morning feeling very tired. I also had residual "d" from the contrast and possibly from the Gabapentin. Yeah.

As Fri. wore on I became more and more uncomfortable both under my ribs on the right side as well as in my joints and muscles. I tried picking up my results for the liver CT but they hadn't been transcribed yet. Like a good little patient, I waited to hear from Dr. B as long as I could. When the pain got very bad I gave in and called. No one there on Fridays. So I called my GP--she wasn't in that day. Neither was my ortho, but I asked if they could at least give me some pain meds to tide me over. The lady who took my call said she'd look into it and then never called back.

By the time DH got home (3'ish) I was hurting big time. I finally gave in and went to the Urgent Care center. The doc checked out my CT and found out that my liver was very enlarged...much bigger than the CT done for my gallbladder back in Feb. of last year showed. There were no signs of cancer, a tumor, or blockages--yeah! Again he palpitated my abdomen and I was incredibly tender, so the doc ordered more bloodwork as well as a urine test. Then I waited. DH and the kids came down. An hour passed and everything was back. We were taken into a room and told that everything but one liver enzyme came back normal. Which was good...and yet doesn't explain why my liver is so big. He highly recommended that I not wait to see Dr. B until the middle of July and that if Dr. B wouldn't see me to get into my GP right away. The pain is most likely from the "bag" surrounding the liver. When the liver is inflammed it can cause tenderness and fullness, both of which I'm definitely dealing with. Despite his initial misgivings of prescribing me pain pills due to the nature of my illness, the doc agreed once he knew I had been on 1 a day for awhile. I was so relieved because I honestly didn't know what I was going to do if he hadn't given me any. My legs and thighs felt like someone had run over them w/a truck.

In light of all of this I am now almost convinced I have the Alpha-1 deficiency (and quite possibly the G6PD deficiency as well) and will be highly pissed if that is indeed the case, and the reason why my liver is enlarging, since Dr. B completely dismissed it. I have spoken w/another local person dealing w/liver issues and she recommended a doctor here and one in Portland. I will be calling the local one on Mon.

Mentally I'm hanging in there but it's tough. Knowing for sure that there is something indeed very wrong w/my liver and yet no reason as to why (and thus no way to know how to fix it--at least for now) freaks me the hell out. Mostly I am calm, reading as much as I can so I know what to ask now and making me feel somewhat in control, yet at times I cry because I have a gut feeling that this is the beginning of a new path for me. I have been misdiagnosed so many times, dealt w/each diagnosis the same way (reading and waiting), accepting it to a degree, and trying to learn accept life w/the new possibilities of what lie ahead. But, there was never any true concrete proof. The AS thing was the closest to being a real diagnosis, yet I was HLA-B27 negative. There is still the slim chance I have it...or at least have some sort of joint/tendon/muscle issue in the SI joints (well, that is a given w/all of the issues I have there). Yet now when you put together the Alpha-1 bloodtests being routinely low, my liver enzymes being elevated, and now the liver enlarging you have to wonder if there's something to this. I also have many other symptoms that I've had since childhood which can be linked to the symptoms of A1 deficiency.

Things that make you go "hmmmm..." I guess we'll see what tomorrow holds.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I've been exhausted and swamped with work lately so I haven't had time to blog. I saw Dr. B last week and he seems to be quite worried about my liver. With the enzymes being elevated and me having lots of pain in my right upper quadrant, he figured it was time to do a CT and see if anything is going on. That will take place on Thursday. Should be loads of fun.

Still no name on what I have. Dr. B says that he has a few patients that make him scratch his head. Apparently I am one of them. I asked about the Alpha-1 test but he said he didn't think it was clinically significant. This was before he went into worry mode over my liver or else I would've brought it up. I guess I should have brought it up anyways but I just don't like arguing. Especially with a doctor that seems to think I don't know much. I did, however, give him my list of symptoms, test results, and what have you. He seemed both impressed and thankful for it. Who knows if he'll actually read it, if it will go in my chart, or if it will end up in the trash.

Dr. B mentioned a new med for me yet didn't prescribe it. My dad seems to think it's because Dr. B was probably waiting on the results of my bloodwork (yep, had to have more blood drawn) before he decided what dosage to give me. I called today and left a message as I have half a Percocet left. I had hoped they would prescribe me something--either the new med, the Percocet, or both. This week was/is a hectic one for me work-wise and my legs scream not too long after I wake up. I hate to take anything, yet I hate to feel like I do too. So I'm sucking it up and asking for more.

As mentioned earlier I had another trip to the lab. This time Dr. B wants to rule out Wilson's Disease and an iron overload--neither of which he (or I) think I have. Nevertheless, he's being thorough for sure. I saw he was also checking some other routine stuff. We'll see if anything comes back elevated. I purposefully did not take any pain meds in the morning so that I could both tell Dr. B exactly where the pain was and at what level, plus I wanted a "clean" system for blood draws. No idea if it helped. I figure I'll pick up my results tomorrow. I have to head down to BMC to get some stuff to drink for the CT so a quick jaunt to the hospital is in the cards.

Dr. B also gave me a fast once over. Said many tender spots are also fibro spots but didn't say I have it. Who knows. It seems the Prednisone did help. After being off of it for awhile now I can honestly say that while it definitely did not take away all of my pain and I did have to take the Percocet too, there was a slight improvement. Not enough to endure the massive GERD issues, though. My pinky benefited from the Pred and now it's back to yelling at me. Grumpy little thing.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Still kickin'

It's been forever since I blogged. The last time I was on the Pred, waiting and hoping for something to kick in. Finally, after giving the steroids a try for over two weeks and not seeing a ton of improvement--plus having reflux issues that were horrid--I stopped them. I had called Dr. B on Tues. as per directed, told the nurse how I was doing w/the Pred, and never heard back (well, Dr. B did call on Fri. but I was gone). I got sick of waiting to find out what I should be doing or shouldn't be doing, so I tapered off the Pred myself. Of course I did it way too fast and my blood sugar paid dearly for it. Between the stress of this past weekend for my job (pretty much everything that could go wrong DID), stopping the Pred, and the resulting health issues of doing so, I am AMAZED I didn't end up in the hospital. Man did it suck. My heart was racing, my head felt like it was going to explode, and I was jittery as if I had drank a whole pot of coffee. I had a helluva time keeping my blood sugar up (doesn't help that I have Hypoglycemia to begin with), especially since I didn't feel like eating as I was nauseous. In the end the Pred wore off and my adrenal glands bounced back as best they could.

I will say that I think the Pred probably helped more than it seemed as after going off of it I've been more sore than I was. However, it wasn't nearly enough to make me want to go back on it. My throat is still sore and I'm still fighting reflux.

My appt. w/Dr. B was yesterday, but they called to cancel/reschedule so I will see him tomorrow. I have a feeling I will leave tomorrow w/no answers and am really not looking forward to this visit. DH keeps asking me why I don't just see a different doctor if I feel like Dr. B isn't listening to me but I did say I would see Dr. B one more time and decide from there. I don't need a doctor to hold my hand, or act sorry for me, or coddle me--but I do need a doctor that I believe is reading my chart to try and link things together (that's why I filled out the paperwork in the first place), knows what he/she is doing (as in doesn't tell me that they have no idea what a certain test is), and honestly cares about his/her patients. That's not too much to ask for, right?

Both eyes have taken turns with the redness and pain again. The other night when I went to bed even I was shocked at how pink/red my right eye was. This time the entire white area was colored in. Last night I was this () close to looking for the eyedrops as my left one was killing me. Instead I decided that it would take too much effort and as I've been exhausted again, I rode out the pain.

This past weekend was incredibly difficult for me. I had three weddings (two to decorate and tear down, and one to shoot). If it had not been for my dad and husband doing a majority of the decorating I have no idea how I would've made it. Actually, looking back I have no idea how I made it either. The sheer stress and physicality of everything was overwhelming for my tired, hurting, body. I am still recovering from it all. I am aching all over and having to take my Percocet in the mornings again plus I'm super sleepy. Even going to bed at 10 p.m. and getting up at 8 a.m. isn't enough rest. Up until today I was moving like an 80 yr. old...slow, cautious, every step hurting me. I broke down and bought some Crocs as I hear they are fabulous and thus far I really like them. Can't make an exact call just yet since I'm sore all over.

There is no rest for the weary, however, as we have a big event this week/weekend, another small one next week (which I will have to decorate by myself), and a fairly intense wedding the following weekend. Thankfully July is much quieter and I plan to keep it that way as much as possible! Aug. is semi-busy and then we are slammed once again in Sept. and Oct.

I really hope I can get on something that works starting this week!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Thick in the fog

My brain has left me and I have no idea where it went. But I want it back. Like yesterday.

This morning I had to have my husband help me count my Prednisone because I couldn't remember if I had taken one already...just a scant 10 mins. prior to all of the confusion. I tried remembering. I tried very hard. But no matter what I did, no answer would come to me. I knew what I had been doing, and part of it was familiar, yet I didn't have enough details to know if I had put a pill in my mouth and swallowed it...or not. Counting the pills yielded further confusion as the amount didn't match up at all with what it should have. If I started the pills on a Tues., took one a day for seven days, then by the following Tues. I should have had 23 left. So then you double the dose for 4 days and you have 23 - 8 = 15. I had 16 left. I'm pretty sure I haven't skipped any pills, however if I had I wouldn't remember it now!

So I popped the pill. I am really hoping I didn't just double my dosage in a matter of minutes yet there's not turning back now.

Everything else is the same. I felt like total shit last night. Headache, woozy/hypoglycemia-like feeling, super sore throat, heartburn, and my heart was racing. That may have been exacerbated by the chocolate bar I ate (forgive me dieting Gods...I tried) or it may have been the late dinner and Pred. Who knows. Either way it wasn't fun. Pain is the same. Still achy/flu-y feeling a lot, but seemingly less than without the Pred. I's been so long who remembers anymore?!

This morning my joints are much achier than normal though. Makes me wonder if the brain fog and sheer exhaustion means I'm flaring again and the Pred just isn't kicking it, or what the hell is going on. Where is that damn Magic Pill already?!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Checking in

I can report that I'm noticing slightly less pain and stiffness as compared to being on the 5 mgs. a day, but I'm still in the exhaustion phase and it's gotten worse since my last posting. I have been so tired and so out of it lately that I can't even knit. I can't keep track of things and am starting to feel overwhelmed for the most part. I know it will pass, it usually does, it just sucks in the meantime.

The other symptoms I've posted about are still there (reflux stuff, nausea, sore throat) but I've also noticed my jaw burns at times--in the joints. It's like when you bite into a lemon and you get that weird sensation that you can feel in the muscles of your jaw. I have never had it actually be a part of an everyday thing, so I'm assuming it's from the meds.

I've still been able to keep the pain pills down to about 1/2 a day, which I think is really good. Granted, there are times during the day that I wish I could take one, yet I refrain. Feels like I'm "punishing" my body with all the drugs I'm taking in the meantime, so I prefer to "grin and bear it" as much as is humanely possible.