Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Smack me now

The answer is, no. No I didn't go to the meeting last night. Not because I was too chicken--although that was part of it--but I started feeling really, really crummy last night. Started not too long after I picked the kids up from school. Bone crushing fatigue, headache, nausea, and general crappiness. I was ready for bed last night around 7 p.m.--especially after wandering around Fred Meyer's for over 45 mins. trying to decide on what to get for dinner. I hate that. Going to the store, looking at everything, nothing sounds good, too tired to cook anyways, and yet we have to pick SOMETHING damnit! In the end we went for soup. Easy enough. But the icky feelings stayed around and hung on like stink after a hard workout. Finally I gave in to the fatigue and went downstairs to my lovely Ikea bed.

My alarm went off at its usual time of 7 a.m. this morning. After hitting the snooze button about 3 times I finally drug myself from under the covers and got ready to take the kids to school. I had so many plans for today. Go to New Seasons, get groceries, mail off some CD's for a client, do some cleaning, and anything else that I could squeeze in. Instead I caught up on some DVR'd TV shows and vegged. That's about as much as I could muster thus far. Looks like Ryan will have to grab some dinner for us...his favorite thing to do. (insert sarcastic smiley here) I always feel guilty when I get this exhausted. If I can't pull my weight then I feel like an even bigger burden. Up until now I've been able to keep up with the housework--which hasn't been much given that it's easier to keep things clean and organized when it already starts off that way. But at least it was something. Today there are dirty dishes in the sink, clean ones in the dishwasher, and stuff that needs to be taken out to the recycling bins. I guess overall that's not too bad.

I'm trying not to ask myself, "how long will this flare last?" and just focus on resting so that it will hopefully be over quicker than normal. I still want to take the kids to OMSI and/or the zoo...or the coast...or someplace for cryin' out loud. No more weekends spent hanging out here. It's time to get out and see some of our favorite haunts and some new ones.


Beth said...

Hey Louie, check your fastmail account. :)

~Laura~ said...

Got it--did you get mine?

Beth said...

I did I just haven't had a chance to sit down and reply! :)