Sunday, November 4, 2007


Last Wed. I made the trek across the river to OHSU's G.I. clinic. The building itself was quite large and a little strange to maneuver around. I had already gotten lost along the way and was flustered, but the cherry on top was when I went to check in and got the, "Didn't they call you?" greeting. Turns out Dr. Z had a family emergency and they had tried to call me. They didn't have my new home number however they did have my cell phone and I never received a call on that. Luckily they had set me up to see another doctor. I filled out a form, got called back, weighed, vitals taken, and then waited patiently. Dr. N came in and greeted me warmly. He had already looked over my chart--not sure what info they all had on me--but needed the results of my liver biopsy. Gotta love my bigass binder of medical paperwork. I pulled it out, let him read it, he nodded, and handed it back to me. I was asked what my main concern was for the day. This was a first! I told him that I was obviously concerned about my liver issues and wanted to know what he thought was causing it. He, too, does not think I have Alpha-1 Liver disease and said he's never run across an MZ patient that was seriously ill. Now I "know" of some MZ's who have already had a transplant or are waiting for one and informed him of such. He seemed surprised and said he'd love to actually talk to him--I guess from a research stand point it interested him. Still, Dr. N guessed that these MZ's who've had serious liver disease actually had underlying, undiagnosed liver issues (such as NASH) and that when their doctor couldn't figure out the cause of the inflamed liver, saw the low levels of Alpha-1, and hence made the diagnosis of A1AD liver disease. Not so sure that's the case, honestly. Especially not after "talking" to them this weekend. I should say that he did state on more the one occasion that he could be wrong which was good to hear. Better that then, "No way it could ever be this!!" Dr. N says he believes I have NASH - Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis. When compared to A1AD liver disease there are some similarities such as not being able to stop the progression of the disease and not knowing how bad your liver will get. In people such as myself (i.e. not overweight, not a drinker, and not diabetic) they are wondering if it isn't a genetic condition like A1AD. There is also a chance I could develop diabetes given I most likely have insulin resistance (or so says Dr. N). In reading more about that condition it does coincide w/my hypoglycemia problems. I don't think my insulin levels have ever been checked so no way to know for sure at this point. I was told that so long as I stay on a fairly healthy diet I will most likely not develop diabetes. Of course there's no way to know for sure. :o/

For now the approach is for me to have blood tests at least twice a year. Dr. N said he could almost guarantee me that my AST's and ALT's would go back up. Apparently that is the M.O. of NASH. The levels wax and wane but aren't always indicative of damage being done. On the contrary, actually--which is really frightening--but they are seeing patients who have never had raised liver enzymes end up needing transplants from this disease. Definitely a "silent liver killer." I'll be seen at least once a year, maybe more often, and be watched. I was given an article about the correlation between MZ Alphas and the effect it has on folks w/NASH and Hep C. It seems that being just an MZ worsens the NASH or Hep C. Double whammy!

We discussed a few other things, things that either are no biggy and/or I can't recall at this present time. If I remember them and they seem pertinent then I'll add them later. For now the new diagnosis brings my total of crazy ass things that are wrong with me (and actually diagnosed) to: SIX. Go me.

Lung wise I've been a lot more wheezy, short of breath, and feeling run down. I thought for sure I was coming down w/a head cold given my symptoms but either it was the shortest head cold ever, or it's something else. I do know that the previous owners of the house we're in had cats, so that could be aggravating things as I'm very allergic to cats. Or it could just be me adjusting to the wet/damp/moldiness that is Portland. I have a tentative appt. w/Dr. B (pulmo at OHSU) scheduled for Feb. '08. Crappy. I may get moved up after I send him my Alpha-1 stuff, chest xray, and breathing test from forever ago. I also plan to write him a letter and let him know how bad things have gotten. Definitely not horrendous or anything, but I'm not liking how I'm feeling. Dr. N seems to think that w/an Alpha-1 level of 71 that I should be just fine. Once again I was told that this is quite low for an MZ. Maybe I'm actually an SZ. Need to do that damn finger prick phenotype test for the love of gawd!! Hopefully I can get in sooner and update once that happens.

Arthritis has taken on a whole new meaning in this type of weather. Luckily it has been wonderful here!! I keep waiting for that to change, the sun to go away, the gray to roll in, the rain to come, and to feel the true meaning of living west of the Cascades. And yet I've been in more pain despite the mild days. Achy bones for sure!

Head splitting open/fullness thing has gotten better from the last time I blogged, but it's still there. Seems that as soon as I start to think it's gone I do something that requires quite a bit of physical effort and's back. The fact that it does seem to be happening less is hopeful.

On a more happier note, we are loving it thus far in Portland! We do miss our friends and my dad, but overall I think we made the right decision. The kids are adjusting well at school, Ryan likes his job (even though he's only been there for two days), and I'm learning how to get around our little neck of the woods. Lexi and Kya are handling the stairs much better than we thought they would. Kya isn't impressed by having the office as their "bedroom" instead of sleeping in crates. Weirdo. Lexi loves it, but they both wake us up at night when they move around a lot as the office is right above our bedroom. We have discovered the wonders of Ikea and are hooked now. Bought brand new bedroom furniture for our bedroom and both the kiddos' rooms. Soooo cheap and yet it's heavy, feels expensive, and looks great! I think it will take Ryan at least a year to recover from putting it all together, though. ;o) It's been hard not to eat out every night w/all the restaurants to choose from. I can't say that we've had crappy food yet (knock on wood). I can't wait to show those of you planning a visit out/up here all around our favorite haunts! For's late...I'm exhausted and off to bed!

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