In my never-ending quest to find relief for my pain, I picked up some sea salts with special herbs for muscle/joint pain when we were grocery shopping this week. Yes, I was skeptical too and after reading the label I realized that most of the stuff in the package (the $5.95 package) was in my pantry. Except Dead Sea Salts. I bet I could get some, though. But whatever...I love the new bathtub and will use any excuse to get in there and soak. Not that I need an excuse, mind you.
Yesterday was a particularly grueling day for me. I'm not sure what the deal was but my pelvis felt as if it were ready to break in half. I was literally crying and/or fighting back tears from the afternoon on as the pain was constant and no position brought relief. Sometimes it would let up a bit yet it always came back. Up until then I had been doing fine. Sure my bones were more achy than usual however I can deal with that. When my SI joints flare up it can be excruciating to say the least. I wonder if the cortisone is wearing off or something? Who knows. So after taking a half and a whole Percocet in about a 3 hr. time span and still having a ton of pain, I figured I'd try the Dead Sea Salt soak for the hell of it. The kids were watching cartoons, Ryan wasn't home yet, and the dogs were conked out as usual. I crept downstairs, drew the water, lit some candles, poured the contents of the package into the included sack per the directions, then placed it into the tub. Little bits of thyme and who knows what else floated out here and there. The salts dissolved through the bag and as I sat in the tub I felt sort of like a chicken. Steam was rising not only off of the water itself, but also off of my hands, arms, or whatever else I pulled out of the super hot water. It was very warm, I was seasoned up good, now all I needed were some cannibals dancing around me, singing, and waiting for me to read 185 degrees when poked with a thermometer. The directions read that I had to sit in there for 30 mins. Normally this wouldn't even be an issue for me. Last night, however, I ran the water a tad too warm as I didn't want to get cold while soaking, so I was quite toasty. I even opened up two windows to get some cool air in. In the end I managed to withstand the piping hot water for the allotted time but unfortunately it didn't provide much relief. Maybe it would have had I not been in as much pain as I was. I ended up taking yet another whole Percocet later that night just to make it through until bedtime.
Today I do feel better but I'm still hurting really bad. Not make-me-cry bad, though. Just enough to make me kinda hate life right now and keep me from working on the website that I need to get done. Sitting at my computer is tough at the moment. Even with a fairly comfy chair. I need a butt pillow. A really good butt pillow that will support my pelvis. There has to be one of those out there. Off to hunt for one...
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