As per Dr. A's orders to follow up with my family doc regarding the pelvic varices, I went in to see Dr. R on Tues. Paid my $25 copay, waited, got called back, got weighed, waited some more, Dr. R came in, said it was probably nothing to worry about but she would call my old Gyn and see what he thought, looked over some of the chart notes from Dr. B, and said she'd be in touch. $25 for roughly 5-10 mins. of time?! That is so not right.
Don't get me wrong. I like Dr. R a lot. And I did like hearing a little bit about what Dr. B has had in his noggin from that first visit (and never shared with me), but that visit left me feeling like I should've gotten a refund. I told my dad later that they should have a new rule...if you spend less than 15 mins. with the doc, and you get no diagnosis or treatment, then you get your copay back. Seems fair enough.
My eyes seem to be back to normal. We'll see (pun intended) how long that lasts.
Pain-wise I've had a shitty day today. Both the right and left SI joints have taken turns screaming at me and I feel bruised again. Course we had rain, hail, snow, and sun all in a span of about 8 hours so that might have had something to do with it.
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