Yesterday I did a marathon shoot that was incredibly fun but afterwards made me feel as if someone beat me with a baseball bat. I could barely sleep last night because my SI joints, pelvis, low back, and both knees were screaming at me. To say it sucked would not quite describe the situation well enough. Today I woke up still in a ton of pain and I have been moving slow all day. My left knee is swollen and discolored--this is a first. It has been "crunching" for awhile now and the achiness has been getting worse so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. One more joint that is acting up. :/
My left eye (and I guess the right too, just not as bad) has flared up yet again. I think that makes 3 times in a month or so. The pain isn't as severe as last time (and even that pain wasn't horrendous) but they have the pressure thing going, redness/pinkness, and generally I just want to put ice or heat on them at all times. Makes it tough to get things done around here. :)
I will say the shoot was worth it though. I hadn't had that much fun in a long time.
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