Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My eye

I went ahead and canceled my ophthalmologists appointment simply because I figured that like last time they would dilate my eyes, numb them, poke them, tell me I had epi-scleritis, and send me on my way with drops "in case it hurts really bad." I already have the drops, I don't need to spend more money for that advice, and it will most likely be gone by tomorrow.

After thinking about it some more I called and told them I'd be canceling for today but if it continued or got worse I would come in. The eye drops (just some OTC dry eyes stuff) took out the redness yet it didn't help the pain--which I knew it wouldn't. It is better than the day before, and the day before that, so fingers crossed that it is healing. Either way I will be sure to tell my docs about it. I'm sure this is going to be an on-going battle for me. No sense in running to the eye doc every time...or so I assume. And we all know what assuming does to a person.

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