So true that statement is. Where to start? Lungs...we'll hit that first. I stopped the Advair and spoke with Dr. J's nurse and she said to stay off of the Advair, continue with the Peak Flow tracking, and Dr. J would go over things at my next visit. I have been told Spiriva might be a good option for me so I'll ask about it when I see Dr. J.
Around Wed. of last week I noticed several spots on my arms that looked like pin pricks. I have seen a couple of these here and there over the past month or so, yet never this many. I had read something about petechiae on the Alpha-1 liver email list and on Fri. decided to research about it. Unfortunately all I could find picture-wise, for the most part anyway, were purpura which are much larger and more abundant. I snapped a pic of my arm as best I could and emailed it to my dad to see what he thought. Although it was tough to tell he thought it might be petechiae. Finally my rheumy called me after I left about 4 messages in 3 days for her MA. I'm not sure if the MA gave my rheumy my messages until that 4th one as she never called back to just say, "Got your message and will be passing it along to Dr. S." Nothing. No return phone call at all. Blah. When I spoke with Dr. S I brought up the petechiae and she wanted me to be checked right away. Because it was Fri. late, late afternoon the lab at OHSU was closing and wouldn't re-open to outpatient folks until Mon. She set up an order for me to have some blood drawn first thing that Mon. but told me to try and find a lab that could do it this weekend. I did check around yet was unable to find one that could get the results back any sooner than she could on Mon. In addition to all of this Dr. S prescribed Vicoden and another anti-inflammatory to try out. I was instructed to wait on the anti-inflammatory until we got my platelet count back.
Saturday I had a hard time waking up. The nausea I had been battling for about 4 days or so was back and my left side hurt. At first I thought I might have a kidney infection and I did my best to ignore it given I am tired of having something new crop up...and feeling like a hypochondriac. I slept most of the day away as I had zero energy. Around 6:30 p.m. I stopped ignoring the pain and ran down to the Immediate Care for what I thought would be a quick piss in a cup and some antibiotics to go. Got checked in quickly, brought back to the room, given the cup to pee in, and did so dutifully. The doctor came in and went over my symptoms and health history. He told me that while I didn't have any bacteria in my urine, I did have a little bit of protein and bilirubin. Bad news bears on that last part. During the exam the pain on my left side seemed to be under my ribs. The doc asked if I had fallen or strained my side--which I hadn't. More talking. More thinking. I mentioned the petechiae, which he looked at, and immediately said that it was definitely petechiae. hmmmm... I ask if my spleen is on the left is. This time he has me lay on my right side and he gently probes under my ribs on the left. "Your spleen is enlarged." Aha! Wait...that's not good, right? Blood is drawn and I am told to call back the following day for the results and to see my doctor on Mon. FOR SURE! I go home...not knowing what it all means, yet scared nonetheless. I read. I don't like what I read. So I play with the kids and Ryan. Anything to get my mind off of things. I sleep. That night my heart races, probably from the cappuccino I had at 8 p.m. Bad idea. I have a hard time falling back to sleep. My heart skips a beat here and there making me feel like everything is draining out of me all in a brief second...then it's back. Very much like my gallbladder attacks. I'm also fighting bile diarrhea again. Dumping syndrome. I hate that.
I sleep most of the day on Sun. too. I just can't get enough rest. In between I read some more. Still no good answers. I call the Immediate Care center...nothing. Wait. Call later. Nothing. About 24 hrs. later the results are in. My platelets are holding for the moment. Good news. My liver enzymes are back up, yet not sky high. Not good news, but could be worse. I sleep some more. The pain on my left side is still yelling at me, thankfully not shouting, or screaming, so I can handle it. Vicoden helps take the edge off enough so that I can bend, every so slowly, at the waist. I hate the extra grogginess it adds.
Mon. I call and ask to speak to Dr. S. The receptionist informs me that Dr. S isn't in the office on Mon. or Tues. but that Dr. S's MA can get her information at ANY time. I get put through to the MA's voicemail and leave a message detailing what has happened and how Dr. S wanted to know what was going on lab wise for me. Please call me, or have her call me. The day passes and nothing. Surprised? Not me. Annoyed? Hell yes. Nausea subsides a bit and I'm able to eat small meals. I do take advantage of this as it's been awhile since I've wanted to eat. The spleen pain seems a tad less today but maybe it's because I took half a Vicoden in the morning as my bones and joints were hurting pretty bad, and the other half in the early evening. I also feel less tired and am able to stave off my cat naps for the whole day.
Today I am back to being tired but I'm ignoring it well thus far. It's noon and no word from the MA or Dr S. I would call the gastro I saw before however I have no trust in that man. I would prefer to find a new one. How sad is that? With all that is going on and as serious as this is I can't stomach putting my faith and care into that man's hands. Sad. This time I'm quite scared...but not as scared as I am driving up this big ass hill we live at the bottom of. Ice and steep roads do not mix. :oO Priorities, priorities. ;o)
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