Monday, September 24, 2007

Cortisone side effects

Silly me didn't think to truly research about the side effects of having two SI joint injections. So when I started having side effects I just thought I was going crazy.

Until today...when I saw Dr. B (my rheumy)...and he put two and two together for me. And I no longer felt crazy. Well except that I should've "known better." I've been having symptoms of elevated blood pressure and lo and behold, today my reading was 115 over 90. The poor nurse took it again as I usually have very low blood pressure (so low that nurses almost always take it twice, unless they've seen me before, and ask "is your blood pressure usually very low?"). She even pulled up my past readings before taking it again as she was sure I'd never had an elevated reading before. Granted, it's not sky high, yet for me it was unusual. Throw in the pounding heart, feelings of anxiety, head feeling "full" at the bast of my skull, etc. and so forth and a bit of edema and body is not liking the steroid. I had labs drawn on Sat. so that Dr. B could have those to check for today and they were all over the place. Elevated WBC and several other tests were elevated. At first he couldn't figure it out. Then it clicked...the steroids. Apparently this can happen and isn't surprising.

My rheumy said not to worry, that it would blow over, so I'm assuming it will--although I think I'll call my ortho tomorrow to be sure--but I just hope it blows over soon. My right leg feels all wonky and my right foot keeps swelling. I hate feeling anxious and "out of it" like I do. Again, nothing bad just enough to annoy me.

All of this and still no relief from the shots as of yet despite being on day 6 after having them done. Is that my luck or what? ;o) Good news is that my liver enzymes are continuing to hold at normal. At least part of my body is behaving.

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