I actually called Dr. B (go me!) and told them that I was in quite a bit of pain, so they told me to get back on the Sulfasalazine (henceforth known as Zine), only this time I was to start taking two a day and then work up to the higher dosage. I went ahead and took a pill that evening and started doing the twice a day deal until Friday when I got that nasty headache on the right side of my head again. I wasn't sure if it was the Zine or if this is some other craptastical thing I have to look forward to from here on out. I can kick it w/one Advil...the problem is that I am scheduled for the SI joint injections on Tues. the 18th and am not supposed to take any ibuprofen or aspirin from Thurs. on. Of course after being in horrendous headache hell for over 5 hrs., I broke down and took an Advil. However, w/not knowing what's causing these I decided to stop the Zine until after the injections when I am allowed to take ibuprofen again. The other sucky think about Zine is that it takes anywhere from 1-3 months before any relief is felt. That's a long ass time to wait when you're in pain but it's damn near impossible when all you want to do is lay down and die.
And ladies and gentlemen, that's how I felt today. This weekend we had 4 events and a helluva lotta stress. We have hopefully found a buyer for our business but she may end up changing her mind and that just compounds all the crap I'm under. I know I overdid it these past couple of days, yet I have a hard time slowing down. Today I thought I would be able to relax and recoup but thanks to a caretaker pulling down the ceiling we had hung for a wedding on Sat. and left up for the wedding on Sun., that was not to be. Instead my dad and I had to beat feet down there, check the stuff, and re-hang it. So once again my body was pushed despite my dad being the awesome dad that he is and hanging the ceiling. I always help, though, so it was up and down the ladder, handing stuff to him, etc. and so forth. Next we hit Broken Top to pick up some rental items, then I headed to Fred Meyer's for some grub as I hadn't eaten at all, and by the time I got home I was in trouble. I took half a Percocet and tried to chill. Unfortunately it didn't work. No matter what position I laid in my bones were screaming at me. I don't know if it was the fatigue, the pain, the culmination of the stress from this weekend, or what but I gave in and cried. Then I took a whole Percocet and after awhile the pain had gone back down to the typical 4 or so.
I have decided that if after having the injections I am still having this much bone pain (which I probably will since the two are essentially unrelated), that I'll be calling Dr. B back and doing my best to get it through his head that when the pain is this bad I can't wait months for relief. For now I'm just hoping that the SI injections are fairly painless and that they work...and that the aching bones subsides soon.
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