Today will be the first day I up the Sulfasalazine from one a day to two a day. I'm hoping I see better results soon as I'm about half to 3/4 of the way through my Percocet and I don't know if my ortho will give me anymore or not. And really, I'd LOVE to be off of them even if it is just one a day. Course as I say this I know that the Sulfasalazine isn't great for my liver either. Maybe worse? Not sure. In a perfect world I wouldn't need any drugs...but this isn't a perfect world.
Physically I feel the same. Exhausted, nauseous at times, bloated, and my legs still ache insanely bad. Here's my enlarged belly:

Maternity clothes time anyone?? You can see how that far side (what looks like my left but is actually my right as this was taken in a mirror) sticks out more than the other. Hello liver!!
I can't say I'm looking forward to next Monday. I already read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Finished it in two days. Didn't want to but couldn't put it down. I'll have to find something else to read/watch for that day. Ah well...
My left eye flared up yesterday. Looked very ugly and angry. It's been awhile since the last flare so I was kind of surprised to see it red again.
I also haven't set up an appt. with a pulmonologist yet but I'm working on it. Sometimes I think my breathing issues when I'm just laying around (shortness of breath for instance) comes from my liver being enlarged. Other times I wonder if it might be due to Alpha-1 Lung disease. We'll see.
1 comment:
How is the new drug working since you upped it. No I'm not going to try and spell it either! LOL
You're in my thoughts and prayers Laura. I'm glad you're doing this blog so I can keep up with all that is going on with you.
Get that appt made so that you can rest a little easier!!
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